Product Tab 2

Product Tab is a great feature that helps you display multiple products to users while still ensuring optimal UX - Customers won't have to scroll to find more products.

With Digita, each product tab represents a collection, so it also helps to make product classification clear.

Adding a new collection tab to Product Tab 2

It's easy to add a new tab item to the Product Tab 2.

  1. Click on Product Tab 2

  2. Click on Add block

  3. Select Product Settings

  4. Next, in Product Settings > Collection -> Click Change / Select Collection and choose the Collection you want to display. That's it, the products belonging to the selected collection have been displayed on the Product Tab 2.

Product Tab 2 Layout

To customize the layout of Product Tab 2, please click on the Product Tab 2 section. Here, you can customize many settings such as changing the layout, turning on/off product information, changing the position of the tab.

Last updated